The Amazon HD Fire: The ideal tablet for kids

Now a days you’d be hard pressed to find a child that doesn’t have access to a tablet or at the very least a phone of some sort. With kids shows now being online, having a good tablet is essential during those long trips in the minivan. Although my little one isn’t quite old enough to understand what a tablet is and why exactly she would need one, my brother in law has been using the Amazon Fire HD 8 and I can see why. The main reason is price price price. This holds more weight the more children you have. Can you imagine getting a base level Ipad mini for each of your kids? Sure you can get one but then fighting over it is pretty much inevitable. At the time of this article the Fire HD retails at $99.99 CAD. A far cry from the $300-$400 CAD or so that you’ll spend on an Ipad mini.

For what most kids are using it for, the Ipad is probably overkill anyway. The Fire HD comes in 7, 8 and 10 inch screens much like other tablets and boasts HD visuals. and has a 10 hour battery (similar to the Ipad mini). The nice thing about this tablet is that it also supports external storage, so if you ever need to pop in a micro SD card here and there you have the option to do so (again with the Ipad there is no option to do this). You can add up to 400 GB of storage, pack in those shows kids it’s going to be a long drive! All in all this doesn’t have some of the bells and whistles the Ipad has but if it’s for your kids then do you really need all that jazz? My guess is probably not.

If you’ve decided to take the plunge and pick up I’d recommend getting a case, unless you’re confident your little ones aren’t going to throw the tablet around I’d recommend the Moko Case which is thick and pretty much designed for kid use.

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