Mum Mum Baby-Teething crackers review

Teething can be a pretty painful and annoying experience for your baby.  There are plenty of great products out there to help ease the process but one that I’ve found to be particularly good are the Mum Mum rice rusks.  I bought the blueberry Gojii flavour first and to be honest was a little wary as to how my 6 month old would take to it.  This would be her first taste of “real” food so to speak.


I have to say, any and all fears Iinitially had in introducing her to real food were quickly dissipated with this product my child took to it immediately and gobbled it up.  The box comes with 24 rusks packed in two and I quickly went through two with my child.  The rice rusks are large enough to last awhile but not too large so that don’t fit in their mouths.  I found however that they do break easily leading to a bit of a mess.   For those of you looking for a healthy no filler food look no further.  Mum Mum rice rusks are gluten, egg and peanut free and have no preservatives.


Since buying my first box of these I’ve already moved on to the next flavour, Sweet potato and carrot and my little one is just as elated with these ones as she was with the blueberry goji flavour.  If you run or work in a daycare where tou have small infants, these snacks are a perfect inexpensive way to implement your snack times. The great thing about these is that they are a great way to introduce your baby to solid foods.



As with any food based product, variety is key and theses biscuits come in a great variety of 6 flavours which should satiate most babies.  All in all these biscuits are a great way to introduce your child all while relieving any pain associated with teething.  They are nutritious and void of any presevatives, allergens or artificial flavouring.




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